W2: LED Prototypes and Wireless Headaches
That all said, I put together a circuit with two LEDs and three potentiometers to get started on figuring out how to set up the code. And that’s where I discovered the aforementioned problem that broke my brain a little. The circuit I used can be seen below. It (mostly) works - yay. I still don’t know what to do with the third potentiometer yet though.
For getting started, I’ve been attempting to follow an Instructables guide (found here). This has been tricky, and I still have had no success. Once I figured out how to get both Xbee boards figured out (which took an embarrassingly long time), I got the circuits set up exactly as they should be, uploaded the provided code, and…nothing. The LED remains dark and sad. And now when I try reuploading the receiver code, the Arduino keeps getting stuck uploading forever and never stopping.
Next week will be spent continuing to figure out how to make the Xbees communicate correctly.